IEEE 2022 Infrastructure, Innovation and Technology Impact Theme

Por Raul Colcher

Amigos, a seguir compartilho minhas respostas às questões formuladas pelo IEEE a seu grupo mundial de Impact Creators. Este ano, a consulta diz respeito à evolução esperada para tecnologias aplicadas à infraestrutura nos próximos anos. O IEEE é a maior organização profissional dedicada ao progresso da tecnologia. Seu grupo de Impact Creators “inspira uma comunidade global a inovar para um futuro melhor. Os Impact Creators compartilham perspectivas sobre engenharia, computação e tecnologia”.

Friends, below I share my answers to the questions posed by IEEE to its worldwide group of Impact Creators. This year, the consultation concerns the expected evolution of technologies applied to infrastructure in the coming years. The IEEE is the largest professional organization dedicated to the advancement of technology. Its group of Impact Creators “inspires a global community to innovate for a better future. Impact Creators share insights on engineering, computing and technology.”


IEEE 2022 Infrastructure, Innovation and Technology Impact Theme



We appreciate your expert insights for the 2022 IEEE Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Impact Theme campaign, “Infrastructure in Motion,” which may be included on IEEE Transmitter, shared on social media and with journalists to inform their press coverage.

Technology is helping move infrastructure forward –– literally and figuratively.  

In transportation, technologies are powering autonomous vehicles, EVs and charging stations, drones, electric rail and shipping automation, and the movement of data enables the functionality, secures and strengthens infrastructure. Think IoT and smart buildings, edge computing, 5G, blockchain and supply chain — are all critical to advancing and positively moving our world into the future.

 GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE — How are technologies like AI, AR/VR, blockchain, IoT and robotics changing how infrastructure is planned, created or used?  Feel free to address individual technologies and their applications.

RC: Information and communication technologies are revolutionizing infrastructure faster and more deeply. For example, in power generation and distribution, IoT and artificial intelligence can lead to optimizing the use of resources, better quality services at a lower price for consumers, and cleaner energy production. In cities, these technologies have accelerated the mobility revolution, through vehicle interconnection processes (with each other, passengers, and transport routes), incorporation of intelligence in signaling processes and management of urban transport systems. In communications, the digital transformation, instrumented by these technologies, has brought huge gains in quality and economy to networks and services, and the demand for services is also exponentially increasing, through their appropriation in end-user systems (IoT being the most important recent example). In logistical systems, they had a great impact on improving the quality of management, diversifying transport modes (for example drones and autonomous cars in urban parcel delivery), decreasing the time involved in the transport and distribution cycles of products and decreasing costs for producers, distributors, and final consumers.

GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE — In your region, what are the biggest infrastructure challenges? How can technology help overcome these challenges?

RC: My work as a consultant has made me travel extensively and I have learned that the most important infrastructure challenges are variable across geography, due to economic, political, social and even climatic conditions and circumstances. For example, in Brazil, a continental country with strong regional development asymmetries, there are serious deficiencies and immaturities in political and regulatory processes, which make it difficult to rationally address some of the more complex infrastructure issues, such as the disorderly growth of cities and the lack of investments in transport resources. Recently, a set of privatization and infrastructure improvement initiatives have been carried out, and the correct use of information and communication technology resources will be very important, to ensure adequate prioritization and efficiency in the allocation and control of the application of limited resources. The 5G program, whose frequencies were recently tendered by the federal government, also represents a move in that direction.

On the other side of the world, Israel, a small country in the Middle East, has achieved technological power status and has one of the most dynamic and successful innovation ecosystems in the world. Recently, I had the opportunity to participate, in Tel-Aviv, in an international conference on technologies for mobility, in which industrial, academic and hundreds of startups initiatives proliferated, in diverse themes, such as autonomous vehicles, applied artificial intelligence, logistics, drones, urban signage, security and much more. This does not prevent complex challenges. Israeli society, irrigated by economic progress, with low levels of unemployment, dumps cars on the roads at increasing rates, and success in managing the pandemic has brought employees back to offices, causing monstrous traffic jams that make people’s lives miserable. Thus, new technologies have, among others, the missions of optimizing and making public transport services attractive and of providing intelligent signaling and accurate information, in real time, to vehicle drivers (human or otherwise), in order to alleviate malfunctions and traffic jams.

GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE — How are global forces such as urbanization, COVID-19 and climate change impacting infrastructure? Which technologies can help mitigate these issues and how?

RC: The development and future investments in infrastructure will, among other factors, be strongly conditioned by the dynamics of urbanization processes, the fight against pandemics (current and future) and the confrontation of climate challenges. Accelerated urbanization only became possible and inevitable because technology and innovation allowed for increased productivity in the countryside, reduced the need for labor while enabling increasing volumes of food production, and triggered the massive migration of agricultural populations to cities. As usual with the big disruptive scientific-technological waves, the accelerated and disordered urbanization created enormous problems, which science itself and the information and communication technologies are now called upon to solve or alleviate. In the case of COVID-19, there were abrupt changes of state in key variables of human development and behavior, such as labor relations, interpersonal communication, processes and markets for leisure, tourism and entertainment, and, of course, systems of prevention and health treatment. Here, technology is creating opportunities for products and services for management, prevention, prediction and early detection of risk situations for contagion and spread, accelerated development of vaccines and drugs in general. Finally, in the case of the big issue of climate change, emerging science and technologies tend to become dominant in the development of solutions, involving the growing use of clean energy, fuels from renewable sources, electrification of the vehicle fleet, increased efficiency traffic and logistics systems, increasing use of sensors and actuators in systems for preventing, detecting and correcting adverse weather conditions. In all these cases and in many others, the global challenge is the development and massive diffusion of highly efficient and reasonably priced infrastructures that allow solving or mitigating specific challenges, while systematically collecting and processing data, through algorithms that will allow the progressive improvement of solutions and the early treatment of exceptional conditions.

EVs and INFRASTRUCTURE — For the era of electric vehicles, what infrastructure upgrades/changes need to take place? How will the technology powering this infrastructure work and what are the benefits to society?

RC: The development and progressive diffusion of electric vehicles holds the promise of more efficient transport systems and less air pollution in cities and roads. For this to occur massively, the relative cost of vehicles needs to decrease, batteries need to become more efficient and their charge times lower. New materials and construction processes will be at the base of this evolution. However, it should be noted that for there to be a net global reduction in pollution with electrification, it is necessary that the processes of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity are, in turn, clean, without which there would be merely a geographic transposition of the pollutants. In countries like Brazil, where the energy matrix is primarily based on hydroelectric generation, this may be a reasonably treatable problem, but in others it can be extremely complex and demand, in turn, new product and process technologies to radically change the energy production infrastructure.

DRONES — What are current uses of drone technologies and what could improve how they are being used? What infrastructure needs to be in place for aerial drone delivery to be ubiquitous?

RC: The technology of unmanned aerial vehicles has progressed enormously in recent years, and this has allowed drones to cease being toys and quickly become essential and disruptive instruments in various application areas, as they become more controllable, flexible, safe, and capable of withstand increasing weights of loads. For example, they have become a tool of choice in logistics systems for delivering packages to consumers. Equipped with photographic and video equipment, they have been used to recognize patterns, identify people via facial recognition, supervise and warn of exception conditions in urban security systems, monitor industrial installations and pipeline networks. Equipped with different types of sensors, they make it possible to systematically collect data in IoT applications and feed algorithms into artificial intelligence solutions. Equipped with sophisticated weapons, supervision, and remote management devices, they have become an important element in military systems. More recently, its use as an autonomous vehicle for personal transport over short distances has been experimented, which could cause a real revolution in urban mobility systems.

Naturally, like many of the emerging technological tools, the more widespread use of drones in high-potential civil applications still depends on some improvements and developments, not only technological, but also in terms of security and privacy, regulatory and ethical aspects in general, in view of the threats they may pose, for example when used by terrorists or for social control by non-democratic governments.

SUPPLY CHAIN — How can technology help mitigate infrastructure issues tied to supply chain problems? Please specify the technologies, how they may work and specific supply chain issues they could address.

RC: Some examples of emerging technical solutions to logistical problems were addressed in previous answers (improvement of mobility conditions, drones, IoT and artificial intelligence applications, etc.). Overall, from pioneering EDI systems, inventory management, real-time electronic data collection and ECR, the current wave of digitization of supply chain platforms, which incorporates IoT solutions, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and blockchain, have brought to global supply networks greater efficiency, reliability and resiliency with lower costs and risks.

CONSUMER BENEFITS — How will technology-enhanced infrastructure create new or improved consumer experiences? Today and in the next five years?

RC: Emerging technologies applicable to infrastructure improvement have the potential to positively impact the consumer experience basically through gains in quality, flexibility and efficiency transmitted to current products and services that use it, and also through the introduction of new products and services, previously technically or economically unfeasible. As an example of the first case, I would cite the aforementioned evolution of logistic systems, based on cloud computing, IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain, which has substantially improved the product acquisition experience, with shorter procurement cycles and lower costs. As for the second case, the examples are many, in practically any sector. I would cite, as an illustration, two of them that have the potential to intensify their impact in the coming years:

i) the progressive development, implementation and dissemination of intelligent energy distribution networks (smart grid), which, in addition to improving and making contracting by customers more flexible, also allow for cogeneration by them, returning unused surplus generated to the grid, with benefits for all related parties

ii) The massive dissemination of 5th generation mobile networks with their functionalities and improvements (in speed, latency, etc.), which will enable new applications of advanced technology (such as the management of autonomous vehicles, remote surgeries, more powerful aerospace and defense solutions, etc.)

INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPORTING EVENTS — The world’s largest stadiums hold hundreds of thousands of spectators, more than some cities. How is technology used in stadiums, particularly AI, AR/VR, blockchain, IoT and robotics?

RC: Sports stadiums, as well as other facilities designed to receive large audiences and large events, have been subject to major overhauls in their projects, as well as in the infrastructure used for their operation, starting to incorporate emerging technologies such as those mentioned, to improve the quality of experience and increase the safety of spectators. Recently, their use and management have suffered, all over the world, and intensely, from the impact of COVID-19, in the form of restrictions and limitations on the holding of events with large audiences. With the recent development of specialized sensors capable of detecting and alerting risks related to the presence of viruses and other infectious agents in the environment, it is foreseeable that specialized IoT networks and systems with artificial intelligence algorithms will be implemented as part of the stadium infrastructure.

INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPORTING EVENTS — The high concentration of people at major sporting events presents special communications challenges. How do large stadiums manage the amount of data fans are generating?

RC: As part of the initiatives and investments aimed at satisfying spectators with their experience in major events, the stadiums strive to develop new and better communication, information and interaction mechanisms. This includes support services and security management, from guidance to access the venue, entrance and exit from the facility, seat identification, information and statistics on tournaments and athletes, visualization of important moves in high resolution, communication and interaction with the fans, purchase of products, food, etc. For all this to be possible with a high concentration of people, new telecommunications resources, in public and proprietary networks, must be made available. In the coming years, it is foreseeable that the experience will be enriched with the availability of virtual and augmented reality mechanisms, capable, for example, of bringing spectators into the playing field in an ultra-realistic way. Naturally, this poses new challenges regarding the massive availability of broadband access in confined environments.

INFRASTRUCTURE IN SPACE — Humans have only been exploring space for a single generation. But now we optimize it for technologies like GPS, communications satellites, weather data.  Is the pace of technological change surprising to you? In what ways? Why not?

RC: The explosive pace of the introduction of new technological solutions in people’s daily lives makes us a little numb and insensitive to the true miracles that happen daily in our sight. In the specific case of space infrastructure, we started to use real-time geolocation for our movements in cities and on roads, as if it had never been different. We read news about communications satellite constellations and commercial space travel as if nothing surprising was happening. Personally, I am somewhat bothered by the lack of information to the public about the serious and complex economic, social, ethical, political, and regulatory challenges posed by these new technologies. The history of science and technology teaches us that with each generation of new technologies, born to solve specific problems, new problems are created, which the next generation will seek to address, and so on. But for this to happen, societies need to be aware of the risks and difficulties that inevitably accompany the scientific-technological revolution.

INFRASTRUCTURE IN SPACE — How imminent are space-based solar arrays for electricity generation on earth? What needs to happen to make this possible?

RC: Although these ideas have been aired for more than half a century, as far as I am informed, there is no forecast for an immediate launch of space platforms for solar electricity generation, although there are R&D programs underway, mainly in China, Japan, Russia, India, United Kingdom and United States. In theory, it would be possible to create such a system at geosynchronous orbit or perhaps at a suitable Lagrangian point that would be capable of beaming clean energy to Earth. This energy would be sent down using a suitable radio frequency or laser transmissions that could then be converted to electrical power using diodes placed within dipole antenna receivers. The Chinese program, probably the most advanced, plans to launch some small-scale experimental facilities in the next few years, but with a commercial energy production horizon no earlier than 2030. Some difficulties are related to the limitations of launch resources currently available, the cost of implementation, the inefficiency of current mechanisms for wireless power transmission over long distances, and the current resource limitations of the ground segments and distribution networks.

INFRASTRUCTURE IN SPACE — What types of infrastructure might be needed to further commercialize space? To encourage more space exploration (non-terrestrial services)?

RC: Apparently, the first steps of private commercial exploration of space have already been taken and its intensification is imminent. Last year, for the first time, human beings went into space in a vehicle not designed or built by governments, and there is evidence of intensifying private competition for industry leadership. So far, most of the revenues from commercial space exploration relate to goods and services produced in space for use on Earth (satellite telecommunications, internet infrastructure, geo-referencing services, satellite launch services, military systems, etc.), but there are signs that there will be, in a few years, the explosion of a new space economy, based on products and services produced and consumed outside the Earth (space tourism, mining on the moon, new materials, establishment of human settlements, support services, consumables designed to operate in a zero gravity environment, etc.). For this to happen, it will probably be necessary to create a new institutional and regulatory framework, which will enable and encourage the necessary investments, given the risks to be faced, especially in the initial phase. A consensual international legal framework will probably have to be negotiated, deepening the first steps already taken, through the Artemis accords, celebrated between nine countries, which established general principles for the exploration of the Moon, Mars and asteroids (but which, significantly, were not signed by Russia or China).

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF CURRENT INFRASTRUCTURE (IoT, sensors, AI, 5G integration into roads, bridges, dams, bridges, ports) — How are digital technologies changing the way people use traditional infrastructure and what can these technologies help advance?

RC: The previous answers exemplify cases of appropriation of emerging digital technologies to change the way we use different types of infrastructure, but I will use this question to mention a few others: intelligent roads, capable of interacting with connected vehicles and their drivers (human or not) should become the rule in a few years. The current electronic toll systems, signaling, security, emergency response, weather information, traffic conditions and points of interest, and much of what we now group under the generic name of “intelligent transportation systems” will be greatly enhanced, making it become more flexible and ergonomic. In the case of dams, the dramatic accidents with human losses that occurred with some of them in the recent past will probably lead to reengineering their construction and operational processes, starting to incorporate technologies to prevent and warn of future occurrences. For example, sensors coupled to IoT networks and systems, and artificial intelligence algorithms to continuously monitor waste accumulation and warn of landslide hazards. In the case of seaports, the technology is already rapidly penetrating and changing a variety of systems, such as navigability monitoring, service logistics and unloading of cargo and people, testing of crew, passengers, and cargo with regard to infectious agents, interaction with customs and government systems in general.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF CURRENT INFRASTRUCTURE (Iot, sensors, AI, 5G integration into roads, bridges, dams, bridges, ports) — What societal needs are driving the push for digital transformation of infrastructure? Safety? Sustainability? Efficiency?  Please elaborate in your answer. 

RC: In general, digital transformation responds to all these needs, the relative importance between them depending on the particular application and possibly changing, in time and with geography, as a function of technological, economic, socio-political and regulatory parameters. For example, in the case of healthcare systems, the automation process has traditionally been driven by an efficiency agenda, in response to the explosion in the costs of procedures, drugs, etc. With the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis, the emphasis shifted to also incorporating safety aspects and the need to shorten deadlines for obtaining effective and safe vaccines and medicines. In the already mentioned case of dams at mining sites, digitization has traditionally resulted from motivations of efficiency in the extraction processes and in the logistics chain, but in recent years greater emphasis has been placed in the adoption of processes for monitoring and preventing serious accidents resulting from progressive accumulation of waste and associated landslide risks.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF CURRENT INFRASTRUCTURE (Iot, sensors, AI, 5G integration into roads, bridges, dams, bridges, ports) — How can technologies make traditional infrastructure more sustainable?

RC: New digital technologies can contribute to the sustainability of traditional infrastructures throughout their entire life cycle, from their projects, constructions, through the operation and maintenance processes and reaching their moments of retirement and recycling or renewal for extension of their period of use. In all these phases, sustainability can be improved through cleaner processes and solutions, new materials and energy from renewable sources and obtained with less harm to the environment. New technologies also promote greater sustainability through their appropriation of educational and communication tools and solutions, to promote more sustainable usage habits by their end users.

DATA AND INFRASTRUCTURE — What role does the movement of data play in advancing infrastructure? What types of data are being utilized — how and where? What are the challenges when it comes to data and infrastructure?  We realize this may apply to many different area of infrastructure — feel free to address specific use cases in your answer.

RC: The processing and exchange of data plays a fundamental role in the development, implementation and operation of infrastructure and its role has progressively gained even greater importance recently. With the progress of software engineering and the incorporation of large data structures from sensors that continuously collect information, it became possible to improve the operation and performance of large distributed systems in real time, but also to use algorithms to promote analysis and profile identifications to optimize their performance and use, based on experience gained progressively over time. In dynamic and complex macrosystems, such as those that make up what is conventionally called “smart cities”, the perception is growing that data-centric approaches represent the best strategy to ensure not only good implementation results, but also better conditions for continuous adaptation to requirements that will inevitably vary over time.


 RC: Just a few words about an aspect that was not explicitly addressed in the questions but is of fundamental importance: the issue of security and privacy in infrastructure development, operation, and use. Digital solutions applied in this field are potentially vulnerable to attacks, with consequences that can range from unpleasant to disastrous, threatening assets and even human health and life. The challenge is huge, because such systems have become potential targets for criminal organizations, whose technical sophistication has been increasing, and even military and intelligence organizations, in the context of the so-called cyber warfare. On the other hand, as we have seen, many of these solutions involve the collection, transmission, and continuous processing of information of different types, including personal ones, which, once obtained by malicious individuals or organizations, can cause great harm and suffering to those affected. There are great efforts and investments being applied in technologies, processes, and regulations to reduce or circumvent these threats, but the current situation is still very worrying.




A operadora de satélites de baixa órbita de Elon Musk aguarda aprovação da agência para iniciar a venda imediata de serviços no país. Bilionário já até se encontrou com Fabio Faria.

Fonte: Telesíntese


Anatel marca reunião extraordinária para resolver pedido da Starlink, de Elon Musk

O conselheiro da Anatel Vicente Aquino pautou, em caráter extraordinário, o processo de autorização de satélite estrangeiro para a constelação de órbita baixa (LEO) Starlink, do magnata Elon Musk, controlador da Starlink, SpaceX e Tesla, entre outras empresas. A reunião do conselho diretor acontece na próxima segunda, dia 20. A empresa pede autorização para operar a sua rede de satélites de órbita baixa no País. Na mesma convocação, Aquino colocou ainda em pauta outro processo semelhante de constelações de órbita baixa, referente ao pedido da constelação Swarm.

Segundo apurou TELETIME, o conselho da Anatel foi pego de surpresa pelo pedido de Vicente Aquino, já que esse tipo de processo geralmente demanda urgência e o caso estava até a última quarta feira ainda em fase de diligências, com a área técnica concluindo a análise dos documentos complementares encaminhados pela Starlink. Além dos pedidos da Starlink e da Swarm para constelações de órbita baixa, a Anatel analisa mais cinco processos de autorização de exploração de satélite estrangeiro para constelações não geoestacionária: Oneweb (ligada à Eutelsat e Bharti), Lightspeed (controlada pela Telesat), O3b mPower (SES), Kepler e Kuiper (essa última da Amazon). Os processos estão em diferentes estágios, mas alguns já distribuídos para o conselho diretor.


Em novembro, o ministro Fábio Faria esteve com Elon Musk nos EUA, e na ocasião divulgou uma parceria para o uso da tecnologia da Starlink para monitoramento da Amazônia e banda larga na região. A Starlink, que não é uma empresa especializada em observação por satélite, tem o foco no mercado de banda larga residencial via satélite. Que é o mesmo mercado explorado pela Viasat, parceira da Telebras, e de outras empresas do setor de satélites no Brasil, como a Hughes. Segundo apurou este noticiário na ocasião, as tratativas com Elon Musk ainda eram preliminares.

Entre as empresas de satélites e observadores do mercado ouvidos por TELETIME, contudo, corria que a informação que um dos tópicos que teriam sido motivadores da reunião entre Musk e o ministro seria justamente o pedido de autorização para a operação da constelação no Brasil, e a adequação desse tipo de serviço, com múltiplos satélites, à regulamentação brasileira.

Normalmente, a Anatel não coloca nenhuma dificuldade para a liberação de satélites estrangeiros no Brasil, mas no caso  especificamente dos satélites de órbita baixa existe uma preocupação adicional, enfrentada por reguladores de todo o mundo, sobre problemas de coordenação com outras empresas de satélite pelo uso das frequências, lixo espacial, riscos de colisão, poluição visual (problema crítico para astrônomos) e algumas regras específicas de licenciamento de antenas e estações terrestres.

Nos EUA, empresas que já estão em operação têm manifestado crescente preocupação com a agressividade das investidas regulatórias de Elon Musk, que já se manifestou em várias ocasiões como crítico do excesso de regulação setorial tanto para o lançamento de foguetes quanto para a operação de satélites. Trata-se de um setor complexo porque envolve coordenação de espectro, posições orbitais e detritos espaciais entre diferentes prestadores e diferentes países, o que faz com que os reguladores sejam muito mais cautelosos em suas decisões.


Atenção às constelações nGEO

Destaque-se que os desafios relacionados às constelações de órbita não geoestacionárias estão em um relatório produzido pela área técnica da agência e tornado público em outubro deste ano.  Ali, a Anatel aponta: “A entrada das novas constelações de satélites nGEO no Brasil estimulará a competição no mercado brasileiro, permitindo que os usuários tenham diversas opções de operadoras de serviço para acesso à internet banda larga por satélite. A competição poderá reduzir os preços permitindo que uma parte maior da população tenha acesso a esse tipo de serviço”, diz o texto.

Mas os técnicos também fazem um alerta sobre a complexidade desse novo ambiente: “cabe destacar que a Anatel também se preocupa com questões técnicas, como a possibilidade de colisões entre satélites e a sustentabilidade no uso dos recursos orbitais, tendo em vista o grande número de satélites previstos para integrarem as novas constelações. Neste sentido, cumpre observar que a Anatel apoia o desenvolvimento de tecnologias que possam ser utilizadas para promover a sustentabilidade no uso do espaço, como a utilização de veículos para extensão de vida útil de satélites geoestacionários”.


Fonte: Teletime

Feliz Natal e um Próspero Ano Novo




Seminário destaca principais contribuições dos 30 anos da Lei de Informática

Durante a programação da 18ª Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, nesta quarta-feira (8), em Brasília, o Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações promoveu um seminário sobre resultados, oportunidades e perspectivas da Lei de Informática. Em três painéis com a participação de empresas de tecnologia, institutos de pesquisa e instituições do setor foram expostos os principais resultados alcançados pela política, as oportunidades abertas por novas tecnologias como Internet das Coisas, Indústria 4.0 e 5G; e os desafios do setor de TICs no pós-pandemia.

Na abertura do seminário, o ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações, astronauta Marcos Pontes, lembrou que a revisão da Lei, em 2019, para adequação a exigências da Organização Mundial do Comércio, contou com grande participação do Congresso Nacional e representantes das empresas. O ministro também defendeu a continuidade da lei e proteção de outros instrumentos.

“Precisamos proteger outras leis como a Lei do Bem, que está sendo melhorada; o Rota 2030, o PADIS de semicondutores. Eu vejo até a necessidade de leis semelhantes para outros setores, como a biotecnologia, um incentivo para biotecnologia. Nós temos recursos naturais magníficos e o país pode ser um país protagonista em biotecnologia. Empresas são essenciais para produzir emprego no país, nota fiscal. Uma coisa muito boa que a gente pode fazer é não atrapalhar as empresas. Contem sempre com o MCTI”.

O secretário de Empreendedorismo e Inovação do MCTI, Paulo Alvim, entregou algumas homenagens a representantes de universidades, empresas, Institutos de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICTs), e parlamentares para demonstrar os atores importantes para o instrumento legal até aqui.

“Essa lei tem 30 anos de muita contribuição para a pesquisa e desenvolvimento no país, que foi fundamental no momento de pandemia na produção de respiradores pulmonares. As empresas da Lei de Informática contribuem não só para o setor de TICs, elas têm um compromisso com o país. Nós temos aqui empresas que geram postos de trabalho de qualidade e produtos e serviços de valor agregado”.

Participaram do seminário a Positivo Tecnologia, Ericsson Telecomunicações, Venturus Centro de Inovação Tecnológica; Flextronics Instituto de Tecnologia; Universidade Federal de Campina Grande; WEB Controles; Samsung; Dell computadores; Instituto Eldorado; Fundação para Inovações Tecnológicas (FITec); Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações (Inatel); Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avançados do Recife (C.E.S.A.R); ASSESPRO; ABINEE; ABISEMI; 0BRASSCOM: P&D Brasil e SBMicro.

Lei de Informática

A Lei nº 8.248, de 23 de outubro de 1991, mais conhecida como Lei de Informática, concede incentivos para que as empresas destinem recursos a pesquisa e novas tecnologias. A lei foi essencial para cultivar no país a cultura de investimentos em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e Inovação (PD&I), permitindo ao Brasil sediar um dos maiores parques industriais de TICs no mundo, além de criar centros de pesquisa nacionais reconhecidos em todo o planeta.

Ao longo dessas três décadas, a Lei de Informática passou por diversas atualizações para atender demandas do mercado, aprimorar a gestão da política e alcançar o desenvolvimento tecnológico do setor. Em 2019, para atender a acordos internacionais e modernizar o instrumento, foi aprovada a Lei 13.969/19, a nova Lei de TICs, que instituiu um novo modelo de incentivos.


A Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia (SNCT) é um evento coordenado pelo MCTI com o objetivo de mobilizar a população, em especial crianças e jovens em torno da ciência, tecnologia e inovações por meio de atividades lúdicas e inovadoras que mostram a importância do tema no dia a dia de todos e no desenvolvimento do país.

Com o tema “A transversalidade da ciência, tecnologia e inovações para o planeta”, a ideia da SNCT neste ano é mostrar como a CT&I estão presentes nas mais diferentes áreas da nossa rotina. Sediada no Pavilhão de Exposições do Parque da Cidade, a SNCT acontece até 10 de dezembro.

Fonte: Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações


WEG, uma das maiores fabricantes de turbinas e motores elétricos do mundo, entrega transformador gigante de 10,1 metros de altura e 271,1 toneladas para o Complexo Eólico Neoenergia Oiti, no nordeste do Brasil

turbina - WEG - ENGIE - energia eólica - aerogerador - motor - transformador - emprego - nordeste - neoenergia

Equipamento mede cerca de 10,1 metros de altura, pesa 271,1 toneladas preenchido com óleo) e percorreu 3.297 quilômetros durante viagem de 45 dias

Energia eólica: transformador gigante transforma a energia gerada nas turbinas para que estejam em níveis adequados para o sistema de transmissão dos novos parques no Nordeste

As obras do Complexo Eólico Neoenergia Oitis, o maior da empresa no Brasil, localizado entre o Piauí e a Bahia, estão avançando de forma acelerada. Acaba de ser entregue pela WEG, uma das maiores fabricantes de turbinas e motores elétricos do mundo, o primeiro dos três transformadores que serão instalados na subestação Oitis, cada equipamento tem capacidade de 230 MVA.

Fabricado pela WEG em Betim (MG), o transformador chegou ao empreendimento após 45 dias de viagem, percorrendo 3.297 quilômetros. Devido ao tamanho do equipamento, que mede cerca de 10,1 metros de altura e pesa 271,1 toneladas (preenchido com óleo), foi necessária uma complexa operação logística. Os outros dois transformadores serão entregues em dezembro.

Turbinas serão montadas ainda neste ano e promete gerar 1,5 mil empregos no Nordeste

São esses equipamentos que transformam a energia gerada nas turbinas para que estejam em níveis adequados para o sistema de transmissão. Ou seja, na subestação Oitis, onde os transformadores serão instalados, a tensão da energia produzida é elevada até 500 kV para que possa seguir pela linha de transmissão até a subestação Queimada Nova II (PI), ponto de conexão ao Sistema Interligado Nacional (SIN).

O Complexo Eólico Neoenergia Oitis é estratégico para a Neoenergia e mantemos a sua construção em ritmo acelerado para gerar energia limpa, contribuindo com o setor elétrico brasileiro. Ainda 2021, vamos iniciar a montagem dos primeiros aerogeradores, antes do previsto pelo plano de negócios, e a estimativa é que a operação comercial comece ainda no primeiro semestre de 2022”, diz William Carneiro, gerente de Projetos Renováveis da Neoenergia.

Oitis terá 12 parques, que somarão uma capacidade instalada de 566,5 MW, o suficiente para abastecer uma cidade com 2,7 milhões de habitantes. É um negócio alinhado aos compromissos ESG (sigla em inglês para ambiental, social e governança) da Neoenergia. Além disso, terá 96% da sua energia comercializada no mercado livre, seguindo o posicionamento da companhia na liberalização do mercado brasileiro.

A construção do complexo eólico gera ainda diversos benefícios para a região. As obras devem gerar 1,5 mil empregos, sendo quase 40% de mão de obra local. Entre os impactos positivos, estão também realização de cursos de capacitação gratuitos e doação de cestas básicas para famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade, dos municípios de Dom Inocêncio e São Raimundo Nonato, no Piauí, e Casa Nova, na Bahia.

A maior plataforma FPSO do Brasil — fabricada pela Modec para Equinor, destinada ao pré-sal da Bacia de Santos, terá 140 motores elétricos

Cerca de 40 motores elétricos de média tensão, com potências chegando até 13.400 kW, mais 100 motores elétricos de baixa tensão e cinco inversores de frequência de média tensão (três destes com potência nominal de 11.723 kW), serão fornecidos pela multinacional WEG para equipar a maior plataforma de petróleo e gás do Brasil.

A WEG já está fabricando os equipamentos em sua fábrica localizada em Jaraguá do Sul (SC). Os motores elétricos e os inversores serão fornecidos através de clientes fabricantes de compressores e bombas da Europa e da Ásia, e atuarão no acionamento destes equipamentos no campo de Bacalhau, no pré-sal da Bacia de Santos.

O maior transformador produzido pela WEG deixou a fábrica de SC em abril, rumo ao Continente Africano

A gigante brasileira WEG construiu, em sua fábrica de Blumenau, em SC, o seu maior transformador. Os equipamentos, com peso de 348 toneladas cada, vão ser incorporados ao sistema elétrico de transmissão de energia no sul do Continente Africano, proporcionando confiabilidade no fornecimento de energia e contribuindo diretamente para o desenvolvimento da economia local.

A primeira unidade foi embarcada no início de abril deste ano e, a segunda, em maio, antecipadamente aos prazos contratuais acordados, cuja complexa logística de transporte até o destino final é estimada em 60 dias.


Fonte: CPG – Click Petróleo e Gás


American Tower cria unidade de fibra e novos negócios na América Latina

A operadora de infraestrutura American Tower anunciou a criação de uma área para expansão na América Latina dos negócios de fibra óptica (no modelo FTTH) e de Internet das Coisas (IoT) com redes LoRaWAN.

Além das duas verticais “desenvolvidas com sucesso no Brasil”, a nova unidade será responsável pelo desenvolvimento de novos negócios em outras áreas, como data centernovos modelos para o 5G, entre outros. Antes responsável pela estratégia da empresa no Brasil, o executivo Abel Camargo será o responsável pela divisão regional.

“Além do Brasil, temos operações de fibra óptica na Argentina e México que são provenientes de aquisições, e uma startup de FTTH na Colômbia. Ao todo, são mais de 46 mil quilômetros de fibra instalados nos quatro países onde exploramos os modelos de FTTH, FTTt [fibra até a torre] e atacado”, afirmou Camargo.

Fonte: Teletime


5G e o Futuro da Sociedade Brasileira



MCTI assina acordo de cooperação com recursos para programa de Open RAN

O Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações (MCTI) formalizou um acordo de cooperação técnica para executar a primeira fase do Programa Open RAN @Brasil, focado em incentivos para a cadeia de redes de acesso abertas e desagregadas.

O projeto terá R$ 32,4 milhões em recursos orçamentários e será executado ao lado da Associação Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) e do Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações (CPQD). O acordo foi publicado na edição do Diário Oficial da União (DOU) desta terça-feira, 31.

A vigência do programa será de 36 meses (até novembro de 2023). No MCTI, a iniciativa será coordenada pela Secretaria de Empreendedorismo e Inovação (Sempi). Em agosto, a pasta já havia adiantado que trabalhava no programa de incentivos para a cadeia Open RAN brasileira.

A primeira fase do projeto teria foco em orquestração e software, com avanço para a área de equipamentos previsto em próximas etapas. Vale notar que o Ministério das Comunicações (MCom) também está investindo em projetos de Open RAN e que o Ministério da Economia tem começado a se debruçar sobre o tema.

Fonte: Teletime